Rules for charging tuition fees for educational services

Rules for charging tuition fees for educational services

The binding regulations constitute the Order by the Rector of Czestochowa University of Technology drawn up in the Polish language.

The translation into English is for reference only.

It is not an internal legal act of Czestochowa University of Technology and does not provide the basis for the rights and obligations.


The binding regulations constitute the Order No. 515/2024 of 21 June 2024 by the Rector of Czestochowa University of Technology drawn up in the Polish language.

The translation into English is for reference only. It is not an internal legal act of Czestochowa University of Technology and does not provide the basis for the rights and obligations 

Order No. 515/2024 - Rules for charging tuition fees for educational services translation en.pdf

Order No. 515/2024 appendix 1 - Application for permission of consent to pay tuition fees in two installments.pdf

Order No. 515/2024 appendix 2 - Application for withdrawal of consent to pay tuition fees in two installments.pdf


Till the 1st of October 2024 - the binding regulations constitute the Order No. 393/2023 of 19 June 2023 by the Rector of Czestochowa University of Technology drawn up in the Polish language.

The translation into English is for reference only. It is not an internal legal act of Czestochowa University of Technology and does not provide the basis for the rights and obligations 

Order No. 393/2023 - rules for charging tuition fees for educational services translation en.pdf

Order No. 393/2023 appendix - request to pay tuition fee in two installments.pdf

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