1. Recruitment Fee: 85 PLN
The recruitment fee is mandatory for your application to be processed and verified.
Please note that the fee is non-refundable.

Payment in Other Currencies:
If you prefer to pay in a different currency, you can send approximately 21 EUR or 21 USD. However, we recommend checking with your bank, as they may charge additional fees or apply a different exchange rate.

2. Tuition Fees

BSc Studies in English: 1200 EUR per semester
MSc Studies in English: 1200 EUR per semester

3. Accommodation
CUT offers accommodation in one of our three dormitories at a cost of approximately 120 EUR per month per person for a double room. The price may vary depending on the room standard and the current EUR exchange rate.

4. Average Monthly Living Costs
The average cost of living, including public transport, accommodation in the dormitory, food, and some entertainment, is approximately 500 EUR per month.

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