Warsztaty z "Mikserem" (PL/EN)
Miejsce wydarzenia: Akademickie Centrum Kultury - Klub "Politechnik"
Godzina: 18:00
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Zapraszamy na warsztaty z "Mikserem" - Kultura hip-hopu z elementami profilaktyki uzależnień. Warsztaty odbędą się
5,12,19 i 27 lutego 2025 r. w Akademickim Centrum Kultury - Klubie "Politechnik" o godzinie 18:00.
Wstęp wolny.
Workshop with “Mikser”
Join us for a workshop with “Mikser” - Hip-hop culture with elements of addiction prevention. The workshops will be held on February 5,12,19 and 27, 2025 at the Academic Cultural Center - Club “Politechnik” at 18:00.
The event will be held in Polish.
Admission free.
Mikser is a musician, born and raised in Częstochowa. He has been rapping since 2009. Specializes in freestyle conducted on the street. He records his performances and posts them on the Internet. He conducts workshops for young people, in which he discusses issues such as violence, addiction, mass media and manipulation, creativity training and hip-hop culture.