Program Erasmus+ KA131 wyniki rekrutacji na studia i praktyki

UWAGA: Finalny kształt list może ulec zmianie, ze względu na przysługującą studentom możliwość odwołania się od decyzji Komisji do Prorektora ds. rozwoju za pośrednictwem koordynatora uczelnianego programu Erasmus+ (KA103/KA131) w ciągu 7 dni od daty jej publikacji.

Ostateczny kształt listy będzie ustalony po rozpatrzeniu ewentualnych odwołań złożonych w terminie wskazanym powyżej.

Osoby biorące udział w bieżącej rekrutacji, które nie zostały zamieszczone w powyższych wykazie nie uzyskały pozytywnej kwalifikacji do udziału w Programie Erasmus+ w ramach mobilności na studia.

W razie uwag prosimy o pilny kontakt:

Protokół z posiedzenia Komisji dostępny jest do wglądu w Biurze Studentów Zagranicznych przy ul. Dąbrowskiego 69, pok. 6 (Budynek Rektoratu - parter) w Częstochowie.

Program Erasmus+ KA131 wyniki rekrutacji z dnia 13.11.2024

Erasmus+ recruitment results for study mobility (academic year 2024/2025) and traineeships

NOTE THAT: The final ranking may be different than published above - regarding the possible student's appeals to Vice Rector for Development given through institutional Erasmus+ coordinator within 7 days of publication date.

The final ranking will be known after consideration of the appeals at above mentioned term.

Applicants, if not mentioned above, did not pass recent recruitment process within Erasmus+ KA131 Programme

Persons marked as "CONDITIONALLY" should contact  their faculty coordinator and institutional Erasmus+ coordinator, immediately. Deadline to obligatory conditions to be met / fulfilled by the student candidate is 13.12.2024.

In case of any doubts or questions do not hesitate to contact us at

Minutes of the committee is available at Erasmus+ Office / ISO/ Dąbrowskiego street 69, room nr 1, Czestochowa

published: 14.11.2024 at 09.00

SMS (studies) – RANKING LIST within the framework of recruitment as of 13.11.2024 - ERASMUS+ KA131

position: 1; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 133124; financing group: 2; final assessment: 85,45; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 2; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 134376; financing group: 2; final assessment: 81,06; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 3; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 138107; financing group: 3; final assessment: 78,39; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: GRANTED;

position: 4; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 139698; financing group: 2; final assessment: 78,08; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 5; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 139729; financing group: 3; final assessment: 75,75; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 6; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 139600; financing group: 3; final assessment: 73,68; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 7; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 139592; financing group: 3; final assessment: 71,96; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 8; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 139752; financing group: 3; final assessment: 69,96; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 9; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 139756; financing group: 2; final assessment: 66,62; BASE FUNDING: RESERVE LIST; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 10; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 136625; financing group: 2; final assessment: 59,62; BASE FUNDING: RESERVE LIST; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 11; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 139015; financing group: 2; final assessment: 54,2; BASE FUNDING: RESERVE LIST; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: GRANTED;

position: 12; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 141432; financing group: 3; final assessment: 48,76; BASE FUNDING: RESERVE LIST; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: NOT SPECIFIED; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 139489; financing group: 2; final assessment: NOT SPECIFIED; BASE FUNDING: conditionally; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: NOT SPECIFIED; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 139762; financing group: 2; final assessment: NOT SPECIFIED; BASE FUNDING: conditionally; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

SMS (studies) – MAIN LIST within the framework of recruitment as of 13.11.2024 - ERASMUS+ KA131

position: 1; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 133124; financing group: 2; final assessment: 85,45; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 2; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 134376; financing group: 2; final assessment: 81,06; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 3; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 138107; financing group: 3; final assessment: 78,39; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: GRANTED;

position: 4; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 139698; financing group: 2; final assessment: 78,08; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 5; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 139729; financing group: 3; final assessment: 75,75; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 6; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 139600; financing group: 3; final assessment: 73,68; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 7; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 139592; financing group: 3; final assessment: 71,96; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 8; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 139752; financing group: 3; final assessment: 69,96; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

SMS (studies) – RESERVE LIST within the framework of recruitment as of 13.11.2024 – Erasmus+ KA131

position: 1; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 139756; financing group: 2; final assessment: 66,62; BASE FUNDING: RESERVE LIST; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 2; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 136625; financing group: 2; final assessment: 59,62; BASE FUNDING: RESERVE LIST; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 3; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 139015; financing group: 2; final assessment: 54,2; BASE FUNDING: RESERVE LIST; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: GRANTED;

position: 4; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 141432; financing group: 3; final assessment: 48,76; BASE FUNDING: RESERVE LIST; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: NOT SPECIFIED; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 139489; financing group: 2; final assessment: NOT SPECIFIED; BASE FUNDING: conditionally; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: NOT SPECIFIED; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 139762; financing group: 2; final assessment: NOT SPECIFIED; BASE FUNDING: conditionally; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

SMT (traineeships) – RANKING LIST - dated 13.11.2024 (end of mobility not later than 31.06.2026)

position: 1; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; ID number: 136058; financing group: 2; final assessment: 83,42; student’s traineeship; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: GRANTED

position: 2; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; ID number: 136060; financing group: 2; final assessment: 82,53; student’s traineeship; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: GRANTED

position: NOT SPECIFIED; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; ID number: 133573; financing group: 2; final assessment: NOT SPECIFIED; graduate traineeship; BASE FUNDING: conditionally; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted

position: NOT SPECIFIED; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; ID number: 135510; financing group: 2; final assessment: NOT SPECIFIED; graduate traineeship; BASE FUNDING: conditionally; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted

SMT (traineeships) – MAIN LIST - dated 13.11.2024 (end of mobility not later than 31.06.2026)

position: 1; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; ID number: 136058; financing group: 2; final assessment: 83,42; student’s traineeship; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: GRANTED

position: 2; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; ID number: 136060; financing group: 2; final assessment: 82,53; student’s traineeship; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: GRANTED

SMT (traineeships) – RESERVE LIST - dated 13.11.2024 (end of mobility not later than 31.06.2026)

With obligatory conditions to be met / fulfilled by the student candidate.

position: NOT SPECIFIED; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; ID number: 133573; financing group: 2; final assessment: NOT SPECIFIED; graduate traineeship; BASE FUNDING: conditionally; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted

position: NOT SPECIFIED; recruitment dated: 13.11.2024; ID number: 135510; financing group: 2; final assessment: NOT SPECIFIED; graduate traineeship; BASE FUNDING: conditionally; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted

Erasmus+ recruitment results for study mobility (academic year 2024/2025) and traineeships (to be finished not later than until 31.03.2025)

published: 22.04.2024 at 09.00

NOTE THAT: The final ranking may be different than published above - regarding the possible student's appeals to Vice Rector for Development given through institutional Erasmus+ (KA103/KA131) coordinator within 7 days of publication date.

The final ranking will be known after consideration of the appeals at above mentioned term.

Applicants, if not mentioned above, did not pass recent recruitment process within Erasmus+ Programme. 

In case of any doubts or questions do not hesitate to contact us at

Minutes of the committee is available at Erasmus+ Office / ISO/ Dąbrowskiego street 69, room nr 4, Czestochowa

SMS (studies) – RANKING LIST within the framework of recruitment as of 19.04.2024 - ERASMUS+ KA131

"financing group" - FINANCING GROUP indicated by the Commission (in case of funding)

"autumn 2024/2025" or "spring 2024/2025" - mobility semester as indicated by the commission 


position: 1; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 133631; financing group: 2; final assessment: 90,27; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 2; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 135894; financing group: 2; final assessment: 83,19; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 3; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 130929; financing group: 2; final assessment: 82,41; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 4; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139055; financing group: 2; final assessment: 80,57; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 5; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139734; financing group: 2; final assessment: 79,96; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 6; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 136058; financing group: 2; final assessment: 79,2; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 7; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 136060; financing group: 2; final assessment: 78,19; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 8; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139733; financing group: 2; final assessment: 76,35; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 9; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139770; financing group: 2; final assessment: 74,73; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 10; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139753; financing group: 2; final assessment: 74,58; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 11; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139528; financing group: 3; final assessment: 73,06; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 12; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139449; financing group: 3; final assessment: 72,81; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 13; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 138209; financing group: 3; final assessment: 71,55; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 14; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 137236; financing group: 2; final assessment: 69,98; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 15; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 136301; financing group: 2; final assessment: 69,52; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 16; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 139616; financing group: 2; final assessment: 68,84; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 17; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139764; financing group: 2; final assessment: 68,82; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 18; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139001; financing group: 2; final assessment: 68,43; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 19; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 138621; financing group: 3; final assessment: 66,8; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 20; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 136545; financing group: 3; final assessment: 66,16; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 21; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 136508; financing group: 3; final assessment: 65,89; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 22; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 131821; financing group: 2; final assessment: 65,39; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 23; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 136581; financing group: 3; final assessment: 64,08; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 24; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 136300; financing group: 2; final assessment: 63,88; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 25; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139374; financing group: 3; final assessment: 63,26; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 26; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 138206; financing group: 3; final assessment: 62,57; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 27; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139673; financing group: 3; final assessment: 62,19; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 28; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139732; financing group: 2; final assessment: 61,78; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 29; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 137200; financing group: 3; final assessment: 60,21; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 30; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 138971; financing group: 2; final assessment: 59,99; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 31; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 137182; financing group: 3; final assessment: 56,74; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 32; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 138289; financing group: 3; final assessment: 56,4; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 33; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139744; financing group: 2; final assessment: 55,29; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 34; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 138166; financing group: 3; final assessment: 55,22; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 35; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139132; financing group: 3; final assessment: 52,09; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 36; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139743; financing group: 2; final assessment: 47,59; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: conditionaly; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 137346; financing group: 2; final assessment: conditionaly; BASE FUNDING: conditionaly; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: conditionaly; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 137670; financing group: 3; final assessment: conditionaly; BASE FUNDING: conditionaly; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;


SMS (studies) – MAIN LIST within the framework of recruitment as of 19.04.2024 - ERASMUS+ KA131

"financing group" - FINANCING GROUP indicated by the commission (in case of funding)

"autumn 2024/2025" or "spring 2024/2025" - mobility semester as indicated by the commission


position: 1; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 133631; financing group: 2; final assessment: 90,27; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 2; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 135894; financing group: 2; final assessment: 83,19; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 3; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 130929; financing group: 2; final assessment: 82,41; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 4; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139055; financing group: 2; final assessment: 80,57; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 5; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139734; financing group: 2; final assessment: 79,96; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 6; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 136058; financing group: 2; final assessment: 79,2; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 7; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 136060; financing group: 2; final assessment: 78,19; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 8; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139733; financing group: 2; final assessment: 76,35; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 9; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139770; financing group: 2; final assessment: 74,73; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 10; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139753; financing group: 2; final assessment: 74,58; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 11; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139528; financing group: 3; final assessment: 73,06; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 12; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139449; financing group: 3; final assessment: 72,81; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 13; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 138209; financing group: 3; final assessment: 71,55; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 14; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 137236; financing group: 2; final assessment: 69,98; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 15; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 136301; financing group: 2; final assessment: 69,52; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 16; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 139616; financing group: 2; final assessment: 68,84; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 17; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139764; financing group: 2; final assessment: 68,82; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 18; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139001; financing group: 2; final assessment: 68,43; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 19; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 138621; financing group: 3; final assessment: 66,8; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 20; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 136545; financing group: 3; final assessment: 66,16; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 21; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 136508; financing group: 3; final assessment: 65,89; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 22; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 131821; financing group: 2; final assessment: 65,39; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 23; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 136581; financing group: 3; final assessment: 64,08; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 24; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 136300; financing group: 2; final assessment: 63,88; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 25; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139374; financing group: 3; final assessment: 63,26; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 26; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 138206; financing group: 3; final assessment: 62,57; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 27; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139673; financing group: 3; final assessment: 62,19; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 28; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139732; financing group: 2; final assessment: 61,78; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 29; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 137200; financing group: 3; final assessment: 60,21; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 30; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 138971; financing group: 2; final assessment: 59,99; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 31; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 137182; financing group: 3; final assessment: 56,74; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 32; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: spring 2024/2025; ID number: 138289; financing group: 3; final assessment: 56,4; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 33; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139744; financing group: 2; final assessment: 55,29; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 34; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 138166; financing group: 3; final assessment: 55,22; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 35; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139132; financing group: 3; final assessment: 52,09; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 36; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 139743; financing group: 2; final assessment: 47,59; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;


SMS (studies) – RESERVE LIST within the framework of recruitment as of 19.04.2024 – Erasmus+ KA131
With obligatory conditions to be met / fulfilled by the student candidate 


position: conditionaly; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 137346; financing group: 2; final assessment: conditionaly; BASE FUNDING: conditionaly; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: conditionaly; recruitment dated: 19.04.2024; period: autumn 2024/2025; ID number: 137670; financing group: 3; final assessment: conditionaly; BASE FUNDING: conditionaly; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;


SMP/SMT (traineeships) – RANKING LIST within the framework of recruitment as of 19.04.2024 – Erasmus+ KA131
Traineeships to be finished not later than until 31.03.2025


position: 1; ID number: 136058; financing group: 2; final assessment: 80,71; graduate traineeship; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 2; ID number: 136060; financing group: 2; final assessment: 80,07; graduate traineeship; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 3; ID number: 136215; financing group: 2; final assessment: 75,90; student traineeship; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 4; ID number: 136606; financing group: 2; final assessment: 73,83; student traineeship; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 5; ID number: 138035; financing group: 3; final assessment: 73,36; graduate traineeship; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 6; ID number: 137999; financing group: 2; final assessment: 70,89; graduate traineeship; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 7; ID number: 131821; financing group: 3; final assessment: 65,39; student traineeship; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 8; ID number: 135499; financing group: 2; final assessment: 62,45; graduate traineeship; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 9; ID number: 138283; financing group: 1; final assessment: 50,62; student traineeship; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;


SMP/SMT (traineeships) – MAIN LIST within the framework of recruitment as of 19.04.2024 – Erasmus+ KA131
Traineeships to be finished not later than until 31.05.2025

position: 1; ID number: 136058; financing group: 2; final assessment: 80,71; graduate traineeship; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 2; ID number: 136060; financing group: 2; final assessment: 80,07; graduate traineeship; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 3; ID number: 136215; financing group: 2; final assessment: 75,90; student traineeship; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 4; ID number: 136606; financing group: 2; final assessment: 73,83; student traineeship; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 5; ID number: 138035; financing group: 3; final assessment: 73,36; graduate traineeship; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 6; ID number: 137999; financing group: 2; final assessment: 70,89; graduate traineeship; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 7; ID number: 131821; financing group: 3; final assessment: 65,39; student traineeship; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 8; ID number: 135499; financing group: 2; final assessment: 62,45; graduate traineeship; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 9; ID number: 138283; financing group: 1; final assessment: 50,62; student traineeship; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

Erasmus+ recruitment results for study mobility (spring semester 2023/2024) and traineeships (to be finished not later than until 31.03.2025)

published: 14.11.2023 at 15.00

NOTE THAT: The final ranking may be different than published above - regarding the possible student's appeals to Vice Rector for Development given through institutional Erasmus+ (KA103/KA131) coordinator within 7 days of publication date.

The final ranking will be known after consideration of the appeals at above mentioned term.

Applicants, if not mentioned above, did not pass recent recruitment process within Erasmus+ Programme. 

In case of any doubts or questions do not hesitate to contact us at

Minutes of the committee is available at Erasmus+ Office / ISO/ Dąbrowskiego street 69, room nr 4, Czestochowa

SMS (studies) – RANKING LIST within the framework of recruitment as of 13.11.2023 - ERASMUS+ KA131

position: 1; recruitment dated: 13.11.2023; period: spring 2023/2024; ID number: 133573; financing group: 2; final assessment: 73,53; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 2; recruitment dated: 13.11.2023; period: spring 2023/2024; ID number: 139600; financing group: 2; final assessment: 67,11; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 3; recruitment dated: 13.11.2023; period: spring 2023/2024; ID number: 139592; financing group: 2; final assessment: 66,83; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 4; recruitment dated: 13.11.2023; period: spring 2023/2024; ID number: 133937; financing group: 2; final assessment: 63,23; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 5; recruitment dated: 13.11.2023; period: spring 2023/2024; ID number: 136576; financing group: 2; final assessment: 62,28; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 6; recruitment dated: 13.11.2023; period: spring 2023/2024; ID number: 134851; financing group: 3; final assessment: 59,81; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 7; recruitment dated: 13.11.2023; period: spring 2023/2024; ID number: 137668; financing group: 3; final assessment: 45,99; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: conditionaly; recruitment dated: 13.11.2023; period: spring 2023/2024; ID number: 135510; financing group: 3; final assessment: conditionaly; BASE FUNDING: conditionaly; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: conditionaly; recruitment dated: 13.11.2023; period: spring 2023/2024; ID number: 134975; financing group: 3; final assessment: conditionaly; BASE FUNDING: conditionaly; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;


SMS (studies) – MAIN LIST within the framework of recruitment as of 13.11.2023 - ERASMUS+ KA131

position: 1; recruitment dated: 13.11.2023; period: spring 2023/2024; ID number: 133573; financing group: 2; final assessment: 73,53; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 2; recruitment dated: 13.11.2023; period: spring 2023/2024; ID number: 139600; financing group: 2; final assessment: 67,11; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 3; recruitment dated: 13.11.2023; period: spring 2023/2024; ID number: 139592; financing group: 2; final assessment: 66,83; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 4; recruitment dated: 13.11.2023; period: spring 2023/2024; ID number: 133937; financing group: 2; final assessment: 63,23; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 5; recruitment dated: 13.11.2023; period: spring 2023/2024; ID number: 136576; financing group: 2; final assessment: 62,28; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 6; recruitment dated: 13.11.2023; period: spring 2023/2024; ID number: 134851; financing group: 3; final assessment: 59,81; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 7; recruitment dated: 13.11.2023; period: spring 2023/2024; ID number: 137668; financing group: 3; final assessment: 45,99; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

SMS (studies) – RESERVE LIST within the framework of recruitment as of 13.11.2023 – Erasmus+ KA131

With obligatory conditions to be met / fulfilled by the student candidate.

position: conditionaly; recruitment dated: 13.11.2023; period: spring 2023/2024; ID number: 135510; financing group: 3; final assessment: conditionaly; BASE FUNDING: conditionaly; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: conditionaly; recruitment dated: 13.11.2023; period: spring 2023/2024; ID number: 134975; financing group: 3; final assessment: conditionaly; BASE FUNDING: conditionaly; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;


SMT (traineeships) – RANKING LIST - dated 13.11.2023 (end of mobility not later than 31.03.2025)

position: 1; ID number: 138000; financing group: 2; final assessment:80,09; graduate traineeship; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 2; ID number: 137526; financing group: 1; final assessment:64,52; student traineeship; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 3; ID number: 139528; financing group: 1; final assessment:57,00; student traineeship; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;


SMT (traineeships) – MAIN LIST (KA131) - dated 13.11.2023 (end of mobility not later than 31.03.2025)

position: 1; ID number: 138000; financing group: 2; final assessment:80,09; graduate traineeship; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 2; ID number: 137526; financing group: 1; final assessment:64,52; student traineeship; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 3; ID number: 139528; financing group: 1; final assessment:57,00; student traineeship; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

Erasmus+ recruitment results for study mobility (academic year 2023/2024) and traineeships (to be finished not later than until 31.07.2024)

published: 28.04.2023 at 09.00

NOTE THAT: The final ranking may be different than published above - regarding the possible student's appeals to Vice Rector for Development given through institutional Erasmus+ (KA103/KA131) coordinator within 7 days of publication date.

The final ranking will be known after consideration of the appeals at above mentioned term.

Applicants, if not mentioned above, did not pass recent recruitment process within Erasmus+ Programme. 

In case of any doubts or questions do not hesitate to contact us at

Minutes of the committee is available at Erasmus+ Office / ISO/ Dąbrowskiego street 69, room nr 6, Czestochowa

SMS (studies) – RANKING LIST within the framework of recruitment as of 26.04.2023 - ERASMUS+ KA131

"financing group" - FINANCING GROUP indicated by the Commission (in case of funding)

"autumn 2023/2024" or "spring 2023/2024" - mobility semester as indicated by the commission 

position: 1; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 137833; financing group: 3; final assessment: 90,00; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 2; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 135894; financing group: 2; final assessment: 80,74; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 3; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 136058; financing group: 2; final assessment: 79,54; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 4; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 136803; financing group: 2; final assessment: 79,25; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 5; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 137661; financing group: 3; final assessment: 77,24; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 6; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 136504; financing group: 2; final assessment: 76,90; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 7; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 136816; financing group: 2; final assessment: 75,91; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 8; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 136276; financing group: 2; final assessment: 75,49; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 9; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 136060; financing group: 2; final assessment: 75,43; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 10; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 136804; financing group: 2; final assessment: 74,90; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 11; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 129849; financing group: 3; final assessment: 70,55; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 12; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 136821; financing group: 2; final assessment: 70,09; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 13; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 132152; financing group: 2; final assessment: 69,33; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 14; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: spring 2023/2024; ID number: 137092; financing group: 2; final assessment: 68,35; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 15; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 137634; financing group: 3; final assessment: 67,44; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 16; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 137562; financing group: 3; final assessment: 66,92; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 17; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 136321; financing group: 2; final assessment: 66,74; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 18; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 137328; financing group: 2; final assessment: 66,51; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 19; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 136800; financing group: 2; final assessment: 65,38; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 20; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 138013; financing group: 2; final assessment: 64,60; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 21; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 137732; financing group: 2; final assessment: 63,71; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 22; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: spring 2023/2024; ID number: 137601; financing group: 3; final assessment: 63,48; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 23; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 137999; financing group: 2; final assessment: 60,66; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 24; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 136811; financing group: 2; final assessment: 60,48; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 25; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 138000; financing group: 3; final assessment: 59,75; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 26; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 137549; financing group: 2; final assessment: 59,74; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 27; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 137547; financing group: 2; final assessment: 55,46; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 28; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 138035; financing group: 2; final assessment: 54,86; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 29; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 135733; financing group: 2; final assessment: 54,73; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 30; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 138031; financing group: 2; final assessment: 52,57; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 31; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 136829; financing group: 2; final assessment: 52,05; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 32; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 134810; financing group: 2; final assessment: 51,12; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 33; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 137531; financing group: 2; final assessment: 37,08; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 34; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 137631; financing group: 2; final assessment: NOT SPECIFIED; BASE FUNDING: conditional; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 35; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: spring 2023/2024; ID number: 137094; financing group: 2; final assessment: NOT SPECIFIED; BASE FUNDING: conditional; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 36; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 135816; financing group: 2; final assessment: NOT SPECIFIED; BASE FUNDING: conditional; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 37; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 137670; financing group: 2; final assessment: NOT SPECIFIED; BASE FUNDING: conditional; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 38; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 128619; financing group: 2; final assessment: NOT SPECIFIED; BASE FUNDING: conditional; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;


SMS (studies) – MAIN LIST within the framework of recruitment as of 26.04.2023 - ERASMUS+ KA131

"financing group" - FINANCING GROUP indicated by the commission (in case of funding)

"autumn 2023/2024" or "spring 2023/2024" - mobility semester as indicated by the commission


position: 1; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 137833; financing group: 3; final assessment: 90,00; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 2; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 135894; financing group: 2; final assessment: 80,74; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 3; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 136058; financing group: 2; final assessment: 79,54; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 4; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 136803; financing group: 2; final assessment: 79,25; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 5; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 137661; financing group: 3; final assessment: 77,24; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 6; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 136504; financing group: 2; final assessment: 76,90; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 7; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 136816; financing group: 2; final assessment: 75,91; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 8; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 136276; financing group: 2; final assessment: 75,49; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 9; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 136060; financing group: 2; final assessment: 75,43; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 10; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 136804; financing group: 2; final assessment: 74,90; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 11; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 129849; financing group: 3; final assessment: 70,55; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 12; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 136821; financing group: 2; final assessment: 70,09; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 13; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 132152; financing group: 2; final assessment: 69,33; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 14; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: spring 2023/2024; ID number: 137092; financing group: 2; final assessment: 68,35; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 15; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 137634; financing group: 3; final assessment: 67,44; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 16; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 137562; financing group: 3; final assessment: 66,92; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 17; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 136321; financing group: 2; final assessment: 66,74; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 18; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 137328; financing group: 2; final assessment: 66,51; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 19; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 136800; financing group: 2; final assessment: 65,38; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 20; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 138013; financing group: 2; final assessment: 64,60; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 21; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 137732; financing group: 2; final assessment: 63,71; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 22; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: spring 2023/2024; ID number: 137601; financing group: 3; final assessment: 63,48; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 23; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 137999; financing group: 2; final assessment: 60,66; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 24; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 136811; financing group: 2; final assessment: 60,48; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 25; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 138000; financing group: 3; final assessment: 59,75; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 26; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 137549; financing group: 2; final assessment: 59,74; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;

position: 27; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 137547; financing group: 2; final assessment: 55,46; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 28; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 138035; financing group: 2; final assessment: 54,86; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 29; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 135733; financing group: 2; final assessment: 54,73; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 30; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 138031; financing group: 2; final assessment: 52,57; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 31; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 136829; financing group: 2; final assessment: 52,05; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 32; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 134810; financing group: 2; final assessment: 51,12; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 33; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 137531; financing group: 2; final assessment: 37,08; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted;


SMS (studies) – RESERVE LIST within the framework of recruitment as of 26.04.2023 – Erasmus+ KA131
With obligatory conditions to be met / fulfilled by the student candidate until 15.07.2023


RESERVE LIST; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 137631; financing group: 2; final assessment: NOT SPECIFIED; BASE FUNDING: conditional; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

RESERVE LIST; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: spring 2023/2024; ID number: 137094; financing group: 2; final assessment: NOT SPECIFIED; BASE FUNDING: conditional; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

RESERVE LIST; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 135816; financing group: 2; final assessment: NOT SPECIFIED; BASE FUNDING: conditional; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

RESERVE LIST; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 137670; financing group: 2; final assessment: NOT SPECIFIED; BASE FUNDING: conditional; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

RESERVE LIST; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period: autumn 2023/2024; ID number: 128619; financing group: 2; final assessment: NOT SPECIFIED; BASE FUNDING: conditional; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;


SMP/SMT (traineeships) – RANKING LIST within the framework of recruitment as of 26.04.2023 – Erasmus+ KA131
Traineeships to be finished not later than until 31.07.2024


position: 1; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period (up to): 90 days ; as recent graduate YES; ID number: 136244; financing group: 2; final assessment: 77,28; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 2; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period (up to): 90; as recent graduate YES; ID number: 133015; financing group: 2; final assessment: 76,30; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 3; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period (up to): 90; as recent graduate NO; ID number: 136273; financing group: 2; final assessment: 59,56; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 4; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period (up to): 90; as recent graduate NO; ID number: 132146; financing group: 2; final assessment: 55,37; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 5; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period (up to): 90; as recent graduate NO; ID number: 131989; financing group: 2; final assessment: 52,34; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 6; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period (up to): 90; as recent graduate NO; ID number: 135739; financing group: 2; final assessment: NOT SPECIFIED; BASE FUNDING: conditional; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted if base funding also granted;



SMP/SMT (traineeships) – MAIN LIST within the framework of recruitment as of 26.04.2023 – Erasmus+ KA131
Traineeships to be finished not later than until 31.07.2024

position: 1; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period (up to): 90 days ; as recent graduate YES; ID number: 136244; financing group: 2; final assessment: 77,28; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 2; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period (up to): 90; as recent graduate YES; ID number: 133015; financing group: 2; final assessment: 76,30; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 3; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period (up to): 90; as recent graduate NO; ID number: 136273; financing group: 2; final assessment: 59,56; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 4; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period (up to): 90; as recent graduate NO; ID number: 132146; financing group: 2; final assessment: 55,37; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;

position: 5; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period (up to): 90; as recent graduate NO; ID number: 131989; financing group: 2; final assessment: 52,34; BASE FUNDING: GRANTED; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: not granted;


SMP/SMT (traineeships) – RESERVE LIST within the framework of recruitment as of 26.04.2023 – Erasmus+ KA131
Traineeships to be finished not later than until 31.07.2024 
With obligatory conditions to be met / fulfilled by the student candidate until 15.07.2023

RESERVE LIST; recruitment dated: 26.04.2023; period (up to): 90; as recent graduate NO; ID number: 135739; financing group: 2; final assessment: NOT SPECIFIED; BASE FUNDING: conditional; ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FUNDING: granted if base funding also granted;


Erasmus+ recruitment results for study mobility (academic year 2022/2023) 

NOTE THAT: The final ranking may be different than published above - regarding the possible student's appeals to Vice Rector for Development given through institutional Erasmus+ (KA103/KA131) coordinator within 7 days of publication date.

The final ranking will be known after consideration of the appeals at above mentioned term.

Applicants, if not mentioned above, did not pass recent recruitment process within Erasmus+ / POWER HE Programme. 

In case of any doubts or questions do not hesitate to contact us at

Minutes of the committee is available at Erasmus+ Office / ISO/ Dąbrowskiego street 69, room nr 6, Czestochowa

SMS (studies) – Summary ranking within the framework of recruitment as of 13.04.2022. and 29.11.2022

"financing group" - FINANCING GROUP indicated by the Commission (in case of funding)

"Autumn 2022/2023" or "Spring 2022/2023" - mobility semester as indicated by the commission 

position on the list:1; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:137852; financing group:2; final assessment:96,67

position on the list:2; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:137846; financing group:2; final assessment:91,33

position on the list:3; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:135739; financing group:1; final assessment:87,68

position on the list:4; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:136202; financing group:2; final assessment:83,34

position on the list:5; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:136113; financing group:2; final assessment:81,16

position on the list:6; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:135494; financing group:2; final assessment:80,18

position on the list:7; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:136114; financing group:2; final assessment:80,00

position on the list:8; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:136242; financing group:2; final assessment:79,50

position on the list:9; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:136058; financing group:2; final assessment:79,21

position on the list:10; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:130929; financing group:1; final assessment:78,55

position on the list:11; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:136137; financing group:2; final assessment:78,18

position on the list:12; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:135664; financing group:2; final assessment:75,73

position on the list:13; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:134377; financing group:2; final assessment:75,11

position on the list:14; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:137901; financing group:3; final assessment:74,57

position on the list:15; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:128532; financing group:3; final assessment:74,08

position on the list:16; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:116283; financing group:1; final assessment:74,07

position on the list:17; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:134843; financing group:2; final assessment:73,41

position on the list:18; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:136060; financing group:2; final assessment:73,03

position on the list:19; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:135816; financing group:1; final assessment:72,69

position on the list:20; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:135510; financing group:3; final assessment:72,45

position on the list:21; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:135141; financing group:2; final assessment:70,12

position on the list:22; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:135865; financing group:3; final assessment:69,19

position on the list:23; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:135784; financing group:2; final assessment:68,88

position on the list:24; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:135505; financing group:2; final assessment:68,78

position on the list:25; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:135869; financing group:2; final assessment:68,69

position on the list:26; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:135876; financing group:3; final assessment:68,64

position on the list:27; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:129595; financing group:2; final assessment:68,52

position on the list:28; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:136050; financing group:2; final assessment:68,52

position on the list:29; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:135813; financing group:2; final assessment:68,04

position on the list:30; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:134021; financing group:2; final assessment:67,31

position on the list:31; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:135816; financing group:2; final assessment:66,92

position on the list:32; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:134885; financing group:2; final assessment:64,51

position on the list:33; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:128417; financing group:3; final assessment:63,14

position on the list:34; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:133070; financing group:1; final assessment:61,63

position on the list:35; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:135226; financing group:3; final assessment:61,59

position on the list:36; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:134863; financing group:3; final assessment:60,96

position on the list:37; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:134896; financing group:2; final assessment:60,09

position on the list:38; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:129849; financing group:2; final assessment:59,07

position on the list:39; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:133481; financing group:3; final assessment:56,12

position on the list:40; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:136130; financing group:2; final assessment:55,88

position on the list:41; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:135138; financing group:2; final assessment:55,64

position on the list:42; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:132872; financing group:2; final assessment:55,18

position on the list:43; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:132873; financing group:2; final assessment:52,36

position on the list:44; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:134810; financing group:2; final assessment:51,97

position on the list:45; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:132875; financing group:2; final assessment:51,25

position on the list:46; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:135733; financing group:2; final assessment:50,29

From the list of 13.04.2022, by the meeting of the Commission on 29.11.2022, 30 people were removed due to the reported resignation or for not completing the deficiencies indicated in the conditional recruitment.


SMS (studies) – Main list within the framework of recruitment as of 13.04.2022. and 29.11.2022

"financing group" - FINANCING GROUP indicated by the commission (in case of funding)

"Autumn 2022/2023" or "Spring 2022/2023" - mobility semester as indicated by the commission

SMS (studia) - Lista podstawowa SMS (studia) - w ramach rekrutacji z dn. 29.11.2022 oraz 13.04.2022


position on the list:1; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:137852; financing group:2; final assessment:96,67

position on the list:2; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:137846; financing group:2; final assessment:91,33

position on the list:3; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:135739; financing group:1; final assessment:87,68

position on the list:4; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:136202; financing group:2; final assessment:83,34

position on the list:5; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:136113; financing group:2; final assessment:81,16

position on the list:6; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:135494; financing group:2; final assessment:80,18

position on the list:7; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:136114; financing group:2; final assessment:80,00

position on the list:8; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:136242; financing group:2; final assessment:79,50

position on the list:9; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:136058; financing group:2; final assessment:79,21

position on the list:10; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:130929; financing group:1; final assessment:78,55

position on the list:11; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:136137; financing group:2; final assessment:78,18

position on the list:12; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:135664; financing group:2; final assessment:75,73

position on the list:13; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:134377; financing group:2; final assessment:75,11

position on the list:14; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:137901; financing group:3; final assessment:74,57

position on the list:15; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:128532; financing group:3; final assessment:74,08

position on the list:16; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:116283; financing group:1; final assessment:74,07

position on the list:17; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:134843; financing group:2; final assessment:73,41

position on the list:18; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:136060; financing group:2; final assessment:73,03

position on the list:19; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:135816; financing group:1; final assessment:72,69

position on the list:20; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:135510; financing group:3; final assessment:72,45

position on the list:21; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:135141; financing group:2; final assessment:70,12

position on the list:22; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:135865; financing group:3; final assessment:69,19

position on the list:23; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:135784; financing group:2; final assessment:68,88

position on the list:24; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:135505; financing group:2; final assessment:68,78

position on the list:25; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:135869; financing group:2; final assessment:68,69

position on the list:26; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:135876; financing group:3; final assessment:68,64

position on the list:27; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:129595; financing group:2; final assessment:68,52

position on the list:28; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:136050; financing group:2; final assessment:68,52

position on the list:29; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:135813; financing group:2; final assessment:68,04

position on the list:30; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:134021; financing group:2; final assessment:67,31

position on the list:31; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:135816; financing group:2; final assessment:66,92

position on the list:32; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:134885; financing group:2; final assessment:64,51

position on the list:33; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:128417; financing group:3; final assessment:63,14

position on the list:34; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:133070; financing group:1; final assessment:61,63

position on the list:35; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:135226; financing group:3; final assessment:61,59

position on the list:36; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:134863; financing group:3; final assessment:60,96

position on the list:37; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:134896; financing group:2; final assessment:60,09

position on the list:38; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:129849; financing group:2; final assessment:59,07

position on the list:39; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:133481; financing group:3; final assessment:56,12

position on the list:40; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Autumn 2022/2023; ID number:136130; financing group:2; final assessment:55,88

position on the list:41; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:135138; financing group:2; final assessment:55,64

position on the list:42; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:132872; financing group:2; final assessment:55,18

position on the list:43; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:132873; financing group:2; final assessment:52,36

position on the list:44; recruitment dated:13.04.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:134810; financing group:2; final assessment:51,97

position on the list:45; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:132875; financing group:2; final assessment:51,25

position on the list:46; recruitment dated:29.11.2022; Spring 2022/2023; ID number:135733; financing group:2; final assessment:50,29

From the list of 13.04.2022, by the meeting of the Commission on 29.11.2022, 30 people were removed due to the reported resignation or for not completing the deficiencies indicated in the conditional recruitment.

Erasmus+ recruitment results for study mobility (academic year 2022/2023) and traineeship mobility (end of mobility not later than 31.05.2023)

NOTE THAT: The final ranking may be different than published above - regarding the possible student's appeals to Vice Rector for Development given through institutional Erasmus+ coordinator within 7 days of publication date.

The final ranking will be known after consideration of the appeals at above mentioned term.

Applicants, if not mentioned above, did not pass recent recruitment process within Erasmus+ / POWER HE Programme.


Persons marked as "CONDITIONALLY" should contact  their faculty coordinator and institutional Erasmus+ coordinator, immediately.

In case of any doubts or questions do not hesitate to contact us at

Minutes of the committee is available at Erasmus+ Office / ISO/ Dąbrowskiego street 69, room nr 1, Czestochowa

SMS (studies) – ranking list dated 13.04.2022

"financing group" - FINANCING GROUP indicated by the Commission (in case of funding)

"Autumn 2022/2023" or "Spring 2022/2023" - mobility semester as indicated by the commission 

position on the list:1; ID number:135739 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:87,68

position on the list:2; ID number:136202 (FMECS); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:83,34

position on the list:3; ID number:134526 (FCE); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:81,33

position on the list:4; ID number:135494 (FMECS); financing group:2; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:80,18

position on the list:5; ID number:134623 (FEE); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:78,78

position on the list:6; ID number:130929 (FMECS); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:78,55

position on the list:7; ID number:135664 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:75,73

position on the list:8; ID number:128532 (FM); financing group:3; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:74,08

position on the list:9; ID number:116283 (FIE); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:74,07

position on the list:10; ID number:134843 (FIE); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:73,41

position on the list:11; ID number:135510 (FMECS); financing group:3; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:72,45

position on the list:12; ID number:134620 (FEE); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:71,45

position on the list:13; ID number:135865 (FMECS); financing group:3; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:69,19

position on the list:14; ID number:133160 (FCE); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:69,03

position on the list:15; ID number:131641 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:69,01

position on the list:16; ID number:135784 (FMECS); financing group:2; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:68,88

position on the list:17; ID number:135505 (FMECS); financing group:3; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:68,78

position on the list:18; ID number:135876 (FMECS); financing group:3; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:68,64

position on the list:19; ID number:129595 (FM); financing group:3; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:68,52

position on the list:20; ID number:135813 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:68,04

position on the list:21; ID number:136241 (FMECS); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:65

position on the list:22; ID number:134837 (FIE); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:63,18

position on the list:23; ID number:133323 (FM); financing group:3; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:63,09

position on the list:24; ID number:134009 (FMECS); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:62,59

position on the list:25; ID number:136211 (FMECS); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:62,48

position on the list:26; ID number:133070 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:61,63

position on the list:27; ID number:135226 (FMECS); financing group:3; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:61,59

position on the list:28; ID number:134863 (FMECS); financing group:2; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:60,96

position on the list:29; ID number:134896 (FMECS); financing group:3; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:60,09

position on the list:30; ID number:133074 (FM); financing group:3; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:57,01

position on the list:31; ID number:127952 (FM); financing group:3; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:54,75

position on the list:32; ID number:132588 (FMECS); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:53,56

position on the list:33; ID number:133232 (FCE); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:53,12

position on the list:34; ID number:134810 (FIE); financing group:2; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:51,97

position on the list:35; ID number:134072 (FM); financing group:2; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:51,78

position on the list:36; ID number:133003 (FM); financing group:2; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:49,68

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136113 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136114 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136137 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:135862 (FMECS); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:134590 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:135816 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136050 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136201 (FMECS); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:134885 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136121 (FMECS); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:133483 (FMECS); financing group:3; Autumn 2022/2023

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:133481 (FMECS); financing group:3; Autumn 2022/2023

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136130 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:135230 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136139 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136239 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136153 (FMECS); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136240 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136203 (FMECS); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136238 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:134377 (FPEMT); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:134539 (FM); financing group:3; Autumn 2022/2023

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136141 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:128417 (FM); financing group:3; Autumn 2022/2023


SMS (studies) – MAIN LIST - dated 13.04.2022

"financing group" - FINANCING GROUP indicated by the Commission (in case of funding)

"Autumn 2022/2023" or "Spring 2022/2023" - mobility semester as indicated by the commission

position on the list:1; ID number:135739 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:87,68

position on the list:2; ID number:136202 (FMECS); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:83,34

position on the list:3; ID number:134526 (FCE); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:81,33

position on the list:4; ID number:135494 (FMECS); financing group:2; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:80,18

position on the list:5; ID number:134623 (FEE); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:78,78

position on the list:6; ID number:130929 (FMECS); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:78,55

position on the list:7; ID number:135664 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:75,73

position on the list:8; ID number:128532 (FM); financing group:3; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:74,08

position on the list:9; ID number:116283 (FIE); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:74,07

position on the list:10; ID number:134843 (FIE); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:73,41

position on the list:11; ID number:135510 (FMECS); financing group:3; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:72,45

position on the list:12; ID number:134620 (FEE); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:71,45

position on the list:13; ID number:135865 (FMECS); financing group:3; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:69,19

position on the list:14; ID number:133160 (FCE); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:69,03

position on the list:15; ID number:131641 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:69,01

position on the list:16; ID number:135784 (FMECS); financing group:2; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:68,88

position on the list:17; ID number:135505 (FMECS); financing group:3; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:68,78

position on the list:18; ID number:135876 (FMECS); financing group:3; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:68,64

position on the list:19; ID number:129595 (FM); financing group:3; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:68,52

position on the list:20; ID number:135813 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:68,04

position on the list:21; ID number:136241 (FMECS); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:65

position on the list:22; ID number:134837 (FIE); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:63,18

position on the list:23; ID number:133323 (FM); financing group:3; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:63,09

position on the list:24; ID number:134009 (FMECS); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:62,59

position on the list:25; ID number:136211 (FMECS); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:62,48

position on the list:26; ID number:133070 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:61,63

position on the list:27; ID number:135226 (FMECS); financing group:3; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:61,59

position on the list:28; ID number:134863 (FMECS); financing group:2; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:60,96

position on the list:29; ID number:134896 (FMECS); financing group:3; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:60,09

position on the list:30; ID number:133074 (FM); financing group:3; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:57,01

position on the list:31; ID number:127952 (FM); financing group:3; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:54,75

position on the list:32; ID number:132588 (FMECS); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:53,56

position on the list:33; ID number:133232 (FCE); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment:53,12

position on the list:34; ID number:134810 (FIE); financing group:2; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:51,97

position on the list:35; ID number:134072 (FM); financing group:2; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:51,78

position on the list:36; ID number:133003 (FM); financing group:2; Spring 2022/2023; final assessment:49,68


SMS (studies) – RESERVE LIST - dated 13.04.2022

"financing group" - FINANCING GROUP indicated by the Commission (in case of funding)

"Autumn 2022/2023" or "Spring 2022/2023" - mobility semester as indicated by the commission

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136113 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment: 81,16; fulfilling the condition by:30.06.2022 

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136114 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment: 80,00; fulfilling the condition by:30.06.2022 

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136137 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment: 78,18; fulfilling the condition by:30.06.2022

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:135862 (FMECS); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment: 75,08; fulfilling the condition by:30.06.2022

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:134590 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment: 73,75; fulfilling the condition by:30.06.2022

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:135816 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment: 72,69; fulfilling the condition by:30.06.2022

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136050 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment: 68,52; fulfilling the condition by:30.06.2022

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136201 (FMECS); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment: 66,66; fulfilling the condition by:30.06.2022

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:134885 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment: 64,51; fulfilling the condition by:30.06.2022

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136121 (FMECS); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment: 61,97; fulfilling the condition by:30.06.2022

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:133483 (FMECS); financing group:3; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment: 61,15;

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:133481 (FMECS); financing group:3; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment: 56,12;

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136130 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment: 55,88; fulfilling the condition by:30.06.2022

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:135230 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment: 52,76; fulfilling the condition by:30.06.2022

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136139 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment: 50,38; fulfilling the condition by:30.06.2022

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136239 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment: 48,24; fulfilling the condition by:30.06.2022

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136153 (FMECS); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment: 47,52; fulfilling the condition by:30.06.2022

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136240 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment: 44,42; fulfilling the condition by:30.06.2022

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136203 (FMECS); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment: 43,95; fulfilling the condition by:30.06.2022

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136238 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment: 36,44; fulfilling the condition by:30.06.2022

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:134377 (FPEMT); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment: CONDITIONALLY; fulfilling the condition by:30.06.2022

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:134539 (FM); financing group:3; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment: CONDITIONALLY; fulfilling the condition by:30.06.2022

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136141 (FM); financing group:2; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment: CONDITIONALLY; fulfilling the condition by:30.06.2022

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:128417 (FM); financing group:3; Autumn 2022/2023; final assessment: CONDITIONALLY; fulfilling the condition by:30.06.2022


SMP (traineeships) – RANKING LIST - dated 13.04.2022 (end of mobility not later than 31.05.2023)

position on the list:1; ID number:124480 (FMECS); financing group:2; final assessment:96,7;

position on the list:2; ID number:134574 (FIE); grupa finasowa:2; final assessment:93,15; graduate traineeship

position on the list:3; ID number:128839 (FIE); financing group:3; final assessment:90,32; graduate traineeship

position on the list:4; ID number:133937 (FM); financing group:3; final assessment:87,53; graduate traineeship

position on the list:5; ID number:132529 (FM); financing group:2; final assessment:86,95; graduate traineeship

position on the list:6; ID number:129058 (FM); financing group:2; final assessment:85,98; graduate traineeship

position on the list:7; ID number:128603 (FM); financing group:2; final assessment:85,76; graduate traineeship

position on the list:8; ID number:131931 (FM); financing group:2; final assessment:85,37; graduate traineeship

position on the list:9; ID number:131961 (FM); financing group:2; final assessment:83,98; graduate traineeship

position on the list:10; ID number:128982 (FM); financing group:2; final assessment:81,11; graduate traineeship

position on the list:11; ID number:132437 (FM); financing group:2; final assessment:80,92; graduate traineeship

position on the list:12; ID number:133911 (FM); financing group:2; final assessment:77,59

position on the list:13; ID number:134928 (FMECS); financing group:2; final assessment:76,02

position on the list:14; ID number:134459 (FM); financing group:2; final assessment:73,62; graduate traineeship

position on the list:15; ID number:129044 (FM); financing group:2; final assessment:73,19; graduate traineeship

position on the list:16; ID number:134544 (FIE); financing group:3; final assessment:72,41; graduate traineeship

position on the list:17; ID number:135505 (FMECS); financing group:2; final assessment:68,78

position on the list:18; ID number:128587 (FM); financing group:3; final assessment:68,22; graduate traineeship

position on the list:19; ID number:124638 (FIE); financing group:2; final assessment:65,78; graduate traineeship

position on the list:20; ID number:134896 (FMECS); financing group:2; final assessment:60,09

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:130914 (FM); financing group:3; final assessment: CONDITIONALLY

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:134539 (FM); financing group:3; final assessment: CONDITIONALLY

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136201 (FMECS); financing group:2; final assessment: CONDITIONALLY

SMP (traineeships) – MAIN LIST (KA103) - dated 13.04.2022 (end of mobility not later than 31.05.2023)

position on the list:1; ID number: 124480 (FMECS); financing group: 2; final assessment: 96,7

position on the list:2; ID number: 134574 (FIE); financing group: 2; final assessment: 93,15; graduate traineeship

position on the list:3; ID number: 128839 (FIE);financing group: 3; final assessment: 90,32; graduate traineeship

position on the list:4; ID number: 133937 (FM); financing group: 3; final assessment: 87,53; graduate traineeship

position on the list:5; ID number: 132529 (FM); financing group: 2; final assessment: 86,95; graduate traineeship

position on the list:6; ID number: 129058 (FM); financing group: 2; final assessment: 85,98; graduate traineeship

position on the list:7; ID number: 128603 (FM); financing group: 2; final assessment: 85,76; graduate traineeship

position on the list:8; ID number: 131931 (FM); financing group: 2; final assessment: 85,37; graduate traineeship

position on the list:9; ID number: 131961 (FM); financing group: 2; final assessment: 83,98; graduate traineeship

position on the list:10; ID number: 128982 (FM); financing group: 2; final assessment: 81,11; graduate traineeship

position on the list:11; ID number: 132437 (FM); financing group: 2; final assessment: 80,92; graduate traineeship

position on the list:12; ID number: 133911 (FM); financing group: 2; final assessment: 77,59

position on the list:13; ID number: 134459 (FM); financing group: 2; final assessment: 73,62; graduate traineeship

position on the list:14; ID number: 129044 (FM); financing group: 2; final assessment: 73,19; graduate traineeship

position on the list:15; ID number: 134544 (FIE); financing group: 3; final assessment: 72,41; graduate traineeship

position on the list:16; ID number: 135505 (FMECS); financing group: 2; final assessment: 68,78

position on the list:17; ID number: 128587 (FM); financing group: 3; final assessment: 68,22; graduate traineeship

position on the list:18; ID number: 124638 (FIE); financing group: 2; final assessment: 65,78; graduate traineeship

position on the list:19; ID number: 134896 (FMECS); financing group: 2; final assessment: 60,09

SMP (traineeships) – MAIN LIST (PO WER HE) - dated 13.04.2022 (end of mobility not later than 31.05.2023)

position on the list:1; ID number:134928 (FMECS); financing group:2; final assessment:76,02

SMP (traineeships) – RESERVE LIST (KA103) - dated 13.04.2022 (end of mobility not later than 31.05.2023)

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:130914 (FM); financing group:3; final assessment: CONDITIONALLY

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:134539 (FM); financing group:3; final assessment: CONDITIONALLY

position on the list: CONDITIONALLY; ID number:136201 (FMECS); financing group:2; final assessment: CONDITIONALLY

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